

Penulis: Shahnon Ahmad
Penterjemah: Normala Othman

ISBN: 9789830686127

Tahun Terbit: 2011

Harga: RM 25.00 / 30.00 (Sabah & Sarawak)

Kategori: Sastera, Novel, Sastera Kebangsaan (Bahasa Asing)

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Mahabbah, the novel by National Laureate. Shahnon Ahmad. proves different from his previous works. This is not a narration, but a complete metaphysical journey.

Endar the young man was an activist. intellectual, writer and orator, whose passion in life was his community, who took upon himself to right all wrongs. But. Endar the old man is wasting away after being attacked by Myasthenia Gravis (MG). He lies in bed, entirely paralysed, with only his heart and mind still functioning. Still. even in this state, his concerns run deep: his race is split with constant feuding, but he knows he has little time left to sort it out, considering he is almost ready to move on, to leave this land of reality and journey to the land of barzakh.