
Lyubov Materi (Bahasa Rusia) (Kasih Bonda)

Author(s): Siti Zainon Ismail
Translator(s): Victor A. Pogadaev

ISBN: 9789830685236

Year Published: 2010

Price: RM 20.00 / 25.00 (Sabah & Sarawak)

Category: Sastera, Novel, Sastera Kebangsaan (Bahasa Asing)

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A reprospective look at the childhood experiences of Siti Zainon Ismail, who records her personal history, memories and nostalgia through the subtlely of her sketches and poetry.

Ретроспективный взгляд на детство, ностальгичесеские воспоминания о прошлом в рисунках и стихах Сити Зайнон Исмаил.